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Let's face it, we live in a highly sexualized society, and our libidos are constantly being triggered. The sexual urge is definitely a matter of biology, but constant stimuli can propel those urges into hyper-drive so that sexual thoughts become out of balance with the rest of life. Sex is a good thing when there is self-control. There’s nothing wrong with our innate sexual desires. Men are already naturally endowed with a strong, healthy sex drive to perpetuate the human race. Our species depends on it.

Stop Using Sex to Sell to Me

Sexual imagery is everywhere - on billboards, in magazines, television, movies, cable shows, posters, email spam, and elsewhere. It is used to sell us products by tapping into our primal drive for sex. Not only are we being manipulated by this imagery, we are also being constantly sexually stimulated. It is hard enough dealing with powerful biological urges, but we also regularly struggle with this massive bombardment of unwarranted sexual stimulation. We are simply not designed to be constantly over-stimulated and relentlessly aroused!


Calm your libido meter

The ANAPHRO Solution

Thankfully, there is Anaphro! Anaphro was formulated to help calm the male libido. It is your shield from the constant sexual influences of everyday life. Together with the  Anaphro Program, your sexual thoughts and urges may be better controlled by you, instead of a marketing campaign.

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